
// MIT license - TL;DR - Do whatever you want with it, I'm not liable for what you do with it!
#define FAIL_FAST
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;

/// <summary>
/// <para>Used for memory recycling of reference types, like GameObjects</para>
/// <para>Example usage:</para>
/// <para>MemoryPool<GameObject> memPool = new MemoryPool<GameObject>(); // construction</para>
/// <para>memPool.Setup(
///        ()    => Instantiate(prefab),
///        (obj) => { obj.SetActive(true);  },
///        (obj) => { obj.SetActive(false); },
///        (obj) => { Object.Destroy(obj);  }
/// );</para>
/// <para>GameObject gobj = memPool.Alloc();  // allocate object in pool</para>
/// <para>memPool.Free(gobj); // deallocate object in pool</para>
/// <para>MemoryPoolItem.Destroy(gobj); // deallocate object in pool OR Object.Destroy non-MemoryPool object (for GameObjects only)</para>
/// </summary>
public class MemoryPool<T> where T : class
private List<T> allObjects = null;
private int freeObjectCount = 0;

public delegate T DelegateBeginLife();
public delegate void DelegateCommission(T obj);
public delegate void DelegateDecommission(T obj);
public delegate void DelegateEndLife(T obj);

public DelegateBeginLife birth;
public DelegateEndLife death;
public DelegateCommission commission;
public DelegateDecommission decommission;

/// <summary>
/// Example usage:
/// <para>memPool.Setup(
///        ()    => Instantiate(prefab),
///        (obj) => obj.SetActive(true),
///        (obj) => obj.SetActive(false),
///        (obj) => Object.Destroy(obj)
/// );</para>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="create">callback function or delegate used to create a new object of type T</param>
/// <param name="activate">callback function or delegate used to activate an object of type T</param>
/// <param name="deactivate">callback function or delegate used to de-activate an object of type T</param>
/// <param name="destroy">callback function or delegate used to destroy an object of type T</param>
public void Setup(DelegateBeginLife create, DelegateCommission activate, DelegateDecommission deactivate, DelegateEndLife destroy)
    birth = create; commission = activate; decommission = deactivate; death = destroy;

/// <summary>Constructs and calls <see cref="Setup"/></summary>
public MemoryPool(DelegateBeginLife create, DelegateCommission activate, DelegateDecommission deactivate, DelegateEndLife destroy)
    Setup(create, activate, deactivate, destroy);

/// <summary> Be sure to call <see cref="Setup"/>!</summary>
public MemoryPool() { }

/// <summary>Returns an object from the memory pool, which may have just been created</summary>
public T Alloc()
    T freeObject = null;
    if (freeObjectCount == 0)
        #if FAIL_FAST
        if (birth == null) { throw new System.Exception("Call .Setup(), and provide a create method!"); }
        if (allObjects == null) { allObjects = new List<T>(); }
        freeObject = birth();
        if (typeof(T) == typeof(GameObject))
            GameObject go = freeObject as GameObject;
            go.AddComponent<MemoryPoolItem>().SetPool(this as MemoryPool<GameObject>);
        freeObject = allObjects[allObjects.Count - freeObjectCount];
    if (commission != null) { commission(freeObject); }
    return freeObject;

/// <summary>Which object to mark as free in the memory pool</summary>
public void Free(T obj)
    int indexOfObject = allObjects.IndexOf(obj);
    #if FAIL_FAST
    if (indexOfObject < 0) { throw new System.Exception("woah, this isn't one of mine..."); }
    if (indexOfObject >= (allObjects.Count - freeObjectCount)) { throw new System.Exception("hey, you're freeing this twice..."); }
    int beginningOfFreeList = allObjects.Count - freeObjectCount;
    allObjects[indexOfObject] = allObjects[beginningOfFreeList];
    allObjects[beginningOfFreeList] = obj;
    if (decommission != null) { decommission(obj); }

/// <summary>performs the given delegate on each object in the memory pool</summary>
public void ForEach(DelegateCommission action)
    for (int i = 0; i < allObjects.Count; ++i) { action(allObjects[i]); }

/// <summary>Destroys all objects in the pool, after deactivating each one.</summary>
public void DeallocateAll()
    ForEach((item) => decommission(item));
    if (typeof(T) == typeof(GameObject))
        ForEach((item) =>
            GameObject go = item as GameObject;
    if (death != null) { ForEach((item) => death(item)); }

public class MemoryPoolItem : MonoBehaviour
private MemoryPool<GameObject> gameObjectPool;
public MemoryPoolItem SetPool(MemoryPool<GameObject> pool) { gameObjectPool = pool; return this; }
static private bool shuttingDown = false;
static public void SetShutdown(bool sceneIsEnding) { shuttingDown = sceneIsEnding; }
void OnApplicationQuit() { SetShutdown(true); }
void Start() { SetShutdown(false); }
void OnDestroy()
    if (!shuttingDown) throw new System.Exception("Instead of Object.Destroy(" + gameObject + "), call MemoryPoolItem.Destroy(" + gameObject + ")\n"+ "When changing levels, call MemoryPoolItem.SetShutdown(true) first");
public void FreeSelf() { gameObjectPool.Free(gameObject); }
/// <summary>If the given GameObject belongs to a memory pool, mark it as free in that pool. Otherwise, Object.Destroy()</summary>
static public void Destroy(GameObject go)
    MemoryPoolItem i = go.GetComponent<MemoryPoolItem>();
    if (i != null) { i.FreeSelf(); }
    else { Object.Destroy(go); }